Friday, March 31, 2017


Morel season is here! Went out foraging this morning and brought home just under three pounds of the beauties. Found both big fat yellow and smaller grayish morels today.

Morel, Morchella esculenta, is a sac fungi, distinguished by the honeycomb-like ridges and furrows of its cap and hollow body. They commonly grow along riverbanks and forests at the base of hardwood trees and shrubs such as privet.

When harvesting morels, I like to use a curved-blade knife to cut them close to the ground rather than pull them up because pulling them can damage the mycelium and hurt the next cycle of fruiting. Further, when harvesting morels, it's good practice to try to leave some behind, both for the deer and also for the propagation of future morels. If we pick every one that we see, we leave none to release spores and reproduce and eventually a patch of morels might disappear. Often, though, there will be enough older morels around that have begun to decay that you can collect the younger fresh ones and the patch will go on to produce next year's bounty.

This is me holding some of the morels I found today! Side note, the shirt I'm wearing is one I got from participating last year in a march to raise awareness of the approximately 22 veterans who take their lives each day. It's tragic and needs more focus and attention. For more on this, please visit

The way I like to prepare morels is to clean them, of course, wash thoroughly and get all the slugs and ants and spiders out of the crevices, cut them in half and rinse off any sand that might be up inside or along the grooves. Sauté them in an ample amount of butter, add a little salt and pepper and cook to a thorough crisp. You want them browned completely, cooked through, they should have a bit of a crunch to them. We really prefer them this way as opposed to any other way, they're not nearly as good if they are at all mushy.  

On my foraging excursion today, there were heaps of mushrooms out. I spotted wood ear mushrooms, some jelly fungi, dozens of little brown mushrooms,  and some healthy turkey tails, Trametes versicolor. These rains have served the springtime mushrooms well. I also picked up these two small puffball mushrooms, Bovista, and spotted this friendly little turtle who hunkered down as I passed. I intend to fry up these little puffballs along with my morels. Should be a good dinner tonight!

My daughter holding one of the larger morels I found today. We'll be lucky if she leaves any for us tonight when we cook them, she loves her some gourmet mushrooms.

For more information about morels and mushroom identification, please visit and I recommend picking up a mushroom identification book or two. Morels are very easy to ID, but there are certain features to be mindful of in terms of the potential for lookalikes. The hollow body is the prime feature to spot, if you cut one in half and it's not hollow, it's clearly not a morel and I wouldn't recommend eating it.

Always be sure you are 100% positive of the identification of mushrooms before consuming them. Regarding the puffballs pictured above, if you're not sure about a puffball, cut it in half, if you see gills, it's not a puffball, it's a young fungi that hasn't yet opened up. Do not eat it. Also, if the puffball mushroom has any discoloration inside, this is a sign that the fungi has begun to produce spores, which are toxic, do not eat it. If you're not sure, ask an expert or do more research.

Thanks for reading and happy foraging!


Thursday, March 30, 2017


The other day I spotted this hanging colony of bees took it upon myself to seek out a beekeeper who could come and safely, humanely relocate the bees to a new permanent home.

In the spring, it is common for a hive to split, a young queen and a mass of workers will depart the original hive and form a new colony. Often, these colonies will amass on a branch, like what we see here. Honey bees will eventually move to a new home in 1-3 days, but until they locate a suitable location, they remain exposed and at some degree of risk. Without intervention, the bees might have soon moved on to a new home on their own, but if they set up that home in an attic or a crack in a home, they'd become a nuisance and liable to be killed, same as if I'd left them hanging, they ran the risk of being disturbed or killed by a frightened passerby with access to Raid.
I looked up humane bee relocation services and found the following site which listed several local beekeepers.

This is Mike, who came out with his son to retrieve this hanging colony. He has a location in Stone Mountain, GA where he will place this colony into a box beehive and they can produce honey for him.

Mike Schaaphok, Atlanta, GA
Phone: 770-265-7662 

I was hesitant to stand this close to these bees, but Mike assured me that they are rather docile when they gather like this because they are running on reserve energy until they find a new home.

We could see bees coming and going from this colony, they'd land on the mass and do their waggle dance, sharing the information they'd gathered on their scouting expeditions.

It was a pretty neat experience. I am glad I was able to help to give these essential pollinators a new home and a new start at a hive of their own. 

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Build: Rustic Wall Decor

Building stuff, creating something new from a collection of individual components has always been a very rewarding enterprise. These are some of the items I've built recently. Co
mprised of recycled materials, wood scavenged from pallets, belts that had seen better days and my two hands piecing it together.

These items are currently for sale, by the way, and I can make additional similar products by request. If you see something you'd like to have, please reach out to me and we'll work out a deal.

I made one of these rustic heart wall décor pieces for my wife, for our 3 year wedding anniversary. Leather is the traditional gift for the 3 year mark, and so this is what I came up with.

Perhaps this week, since it's been raining so much, I'll get my hands dirty and get to work in my garage building something else. I'll let you know what comes of it!

Thanks for visiting my blog!
