Thursday, December 29, 2016

Telling Tales

Good day, friends.

Thought I’d bring your attention to a wonderful local storyteller, a feller who resides right here in Atlanta, Georgia. EM Lockaby just completed his second novel and I must say I found it to be a fantastic read.

The Infinite Lawman is a science-fiction, LitRPG, western novel set in a dystopian future where people wind up with their minds uploaded to simulations, thus, the western aspect of this is a simulated wild west where a Speedrunner encounters this retired Lawman of sorts and in a roundabout way enlists his help in achieving her aim.

This novel is full of action, wit, and surprises and is a well-written, thought-provoking work that comes with all of the grit and dirt you’d expect of a western and the mud you’d hope to find in a simulated western world as well as giving a fascinating glimpse into a future with all its splendors and pitfalls.

The narrative style is as easy-going as if you were listening to the tale being told while you’ve got your feet kicked up on the rocks of a fire pit in the middle of nowhere, flames slowly warming the soles of your boots, stars twinkling overhead, crickets chirping, the story drawled out casually and punctuated by intermittent spitting and frequent swigs of whiskey.

I highly recommend you give this novel a shot. Thanks for listening. Peace.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Baby Carrier and Morels

Check out this cool baby carrier. I've been using this Infantino Breathe Vented Carrier since my daughter was barely able to see over the top edge and it's been the perfect option to allow us to go on walks and hikes together. She loves it, still squeals with delightful anticipation when I get it out and put it on. She is comfortable in it, legs and arms can swing free, no poorly-placed buckles or straps that might pinch or bruise her, it's safe, convenient, light-weight and you can often find them on sale. This one right now is only $16.11, that's 27% off list price! My daughter and I even went out this spring and hunted for morels, this carrier was perfect, it allowed her to swing along with me as I traipsed through the brambles and the bushes and sought out those wonderful little mushrooms in the great Georgia outdoors.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Return to Earth

Rejoining the world of the wild blog post after a helluva hiatus, I certainly have some explaining to do. Shortly after my last post, back in March of 2013, my father passed away. Shortly thereafter I was wed to a beautiful and wonderful lady. We've since brought an amazing little girl into this world and I've spent a great many hours hiking and adventuring with her, first strapped onto my chest in a Baby Carrier, and recently with her by my side striding precariously over sticks and twigs as she learns to walk and to hike along the many amazing trails that dot Midtown, Atlanta, and the surrounding suburbs. I've got a lot I want to share with you all and I hope you my readership is keen on coming along for the journey.



Product Review: Darn Tough Socks


Tough times have been come my way since last my blog was active. I'd had such great hopes to post once or twice per week, but that hasn't happened in these intervening years. I've been derailed from my obligations by a death in the family, then a wedding, then buying a house, then having a little baby, then moving to a new house, then working to finish my college degree. Such a road it has been. I want to get back on track by making good on a promise I made to a certain Ben Dickie of Darn Tough Vermont. I'd asked him for a product I could review on my blog and had since failed to follow up.

Pictured here is a pair of the most phenomenal pair of socks that I have ever owned.

These are my go to pair of camping socks, cold-weather socks, comfort socks, they are all-around amazing. Tall, knee-high, wool, warm, soft, comfortable, these Darn Tough socks are the best pair of socks I have ever owned; they're amazing. I would recommend these to anyone as camp socks, lounging around socks, all-around beautiful and warm and comfy socks. I know a thing or two about wanting to stay warm, my wife says I'm ridiculous, but honestly, I like it hot, I like to stay roasty toasty warm. Can't stand the cold, despite being born and raised in Wisconsin. These Darn Tough socks keep me warm.

I'm not sure that Darn Tough sells this exact pair anymore, but I can guarantee you that I'll be visiting their site shortly to see about snagging a few pairs of their newest offerings because if they produced this fine a product three years ago, I can only imagine what they've got to offer now. Please stay tuned to this page as I will be sure to note the glory of their latest products. Darn Tough is definitely a company to be reckoned with in the world of fine, warm, comfortable socks. Amazing.